Wednesday, March 18, 2009

About me

I am ME!, nobody else but me! Im just happy with myself right now. I've been thru a lot and I think I deserve feel this great :).
I am a COSTA RICAN girl who moved here with a bag full of clothes and a heart full of memories,
I started a new life here in Arizona and I've gone thru everything with the love of my family.I love to party,
and spend time with my friends. I like to keep myself busy, so im constantly doing random thing.
I've been stabbed in the back before, i came across shady people, disrespectful and fake people too, but the problem
wasnt who was around me, the problem was I've always been too nice for my own good. I got my heart broken too many damn times.
Some people say im rude and that makes me cocky or conceited, but the reason why I would come on rude to someone its beacuase I am not willing to get broken those pieces of my heart that took me so damn long to put back together!.
I am ridiculously talkative lol. I have dreams,i have hobbies, but sometimes you just have to put all that on the side to support your family, to work hard and make it big somehow, I am just NOT like every other girl. Unfortunately people like to judge me because they see I go out a lot, or because of my pictures or maybe because I am so positive and nice they say Im fake lol.
Some people think that I think Im the shit. But what people really dont know is how hard I've worked to be where I am at today!
Nobody handed all this to me, I worked my heart out to get here. NEVER stepped over peoples feelings nor put people down.
I've always shown support to anyone and everyone in my life.
People like to judge for what they want to believe is true, but they dont really know me or about me.
I am a unique person, who isnt here to blend in but to stand out.
I am who I am because I believed in myself, and I struggled to get here!
People are always going to hate on you regardless, so might as well give them a reason to hate.
I am as strong as I want to be, and meanless words or rummors do not affect me.
I am here to network & to meet new people.
I am not here to be judged by people who know NOTHING about me.
If you are going to say something that YOU think my ruin a reputation, go ahead I don't have a reputation,
I have a personality and that my friend NOONE will ever ruin!.
I am a very very positve person. I love photography &
modeling as well, music is my passion. I am a very outgoing & cheerful.
I am new to a lot of things, but NEVER ashamed of who I am or where I came from.
I thank everyday for everything and everyone in my life. I am the most random.weirdest.unique chick you'll ever meet.
i cry when im sad or angry.i smile when im extra emotional but yet can be a complete bitch at times.
i love to make weird faces.take random pictures.make people laugh. Im IGNORANT.SILLY & GOOFY at times.
You all need this sparkle in your life ;)